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2025 -26 Bridging Scholarship Applications Are Open
The U.S.-Japan Bridging Foundation is excited to open applications for scholarships to study in Japan beginning in Fall 2025. The term of study can be the Fall 2025 semester, the 2025-26 academic year, or the Spring 2026 semester. Please note: There will be no later, separate application deadline for Spring 2026 scholarships.
Morgan Stanley Reception in Tokyo
On December 6, the US-Japan Bridging Foundation and Morgan Stanley joined forces to host a Career Development Panel for our Bridging Scholars. Tom Mason, Executive Director of the Bridging Foundation, set the stage with a warm welcome, and David Richards, Chief Administrative Officer at Morgan Stanley in Japan, provided a captivating introduction to the firm, sharing his career journey and various pathways to employment in Japan.
Kansai Gaidai Reception
On November 29, the Bridging Foundation, together with Kansai Gaidai, hosted a special reception for our scholars to get to know one another and to share advice on embarking on a Japan-related career. Of the 15 current Bridging Scholars and one recent alumni who joined, five were from Kansai Gaidai with the others students from Doshisha University, Osaka University, Ritsumeikan University, and Okayama University.
ACCJ Supports Bishop Memorial Fund with $10,000 Donation
The United States-Japan Bridging Foundation is pleased to announce a generous $10,000 donation from the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan (ACCJ) to our newly established Bishop Family Memorial Scholarship Fund. Last December, on Christmas morning, Bill, his wife Izumi, and their daughter Sophianna lost their lives, killed by their neighbor at their family home.
Bridging Scholarship Applications are Open
The U.S.-Japan Bridging Foundation, in partnership with the American Association of Teachers of Japanese, is excited to open applications for scholarships to study in Japan beginning in Fall 2023. The term of study can be the Fall 2023 semester, the 2023-24 academic year, or the Spring 2024 semester. Please note: There will be no later, separate application deadline for Spring 2024 scholarships.
Announcing the Spring 2023 Cohort
The United States-Japan Bridging Foundation is thrilled to share that 17 undergraduates from colleges and universities across the United States have been named recipients of the Bridging Scholarships for Study Abroad in Japan this spring. This group joins the 79 scholars awarded this Fall for a full class of 96 2022-23 Bridging Scholars!
New Webinar series
Continuing the success of our Japan-related Career Webinar Series, this Fall, the Bridging Foundation is pleased to offer a series of webinars that focuses on mastering the Japanese language and using it successfully to navigate a Japan-related career. Join us this October and November for these programs. For details and to RSVP visit: https://www.bridgingfoundation.org/webinars
Announcing the Fall 2022 Cohort
WELCOME Fall 2022 Bridging Scholars
The United States-Japan Bridging Foundation is thrilled to share that 79 undergraduates from colleges and universities across the United States have been named recipients of the Bridging Scholarships for Study Abroad in Japan.
Tom Mason, Bridging Foundation Executive Director, selected as a member of the U.S.-Japan Network for the Future Program
We are proud to share that Tom Mason, Bridging Foundation Executive Director, was selected as a member of the U.S.-Japan Network for the Future Program run by the Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation and Japan Foundation. Fifteen specialists on the U.S.-Japan relationship were chosen to bring diverse expertise and perspectives to the bilateral policy-making process. Tom's area of focus is international education and study abroad.
Bridging Foundation in the News
The Bridging Foundation and Executive Director Tom Mason were recently featured in The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan Journal.