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COVID-19 Update on Bridging Scholars Program

We are in a difficult time with pandemic-related health and economic pain and disruption. The Bridging Foundation board and staff have been closely monitoring the affects of COVID-19 on the Bridging Scholars program. In-person exchange remains our focus, but even more so, the health and safety of our scholars. Therefore, we are postponing our full academic year 2020-2021 and fall 2020 programs. We have communicated with all of the Bridging Scholars who were in Japan this spring and those who recently applied for a Bridging Scholarship to study in the fall.

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Student Stories Student Stories

Baseball, Soccer, and Japan— Joshua Reflects on his Study Abroad at Keio University

When I talk to people about my study abroad experience, one of the most common questions I’m asked is, “what was it like?” It’s such a seemingly simple and straightforward question, and yet it’s one of the hardest questions to answer.What was it like?Do I talk about the beautiful country? Japan is a country born from volcanic activity, and everywhere you go there are breathtaking landscapes for your eyes to feast upon. Do I talk about the magnificent temples and shrines, amazing artwork, or priceless cultural artifacts?

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