Olivia’s Story: Overview

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For my 2015 Antioch University independent field research project, I chose health, healing, nature and spirituality in Japan. I traveled many miles by train, subway, shinkansen (bullet train), taxi and foot and hopped from small islands to even smaller islands by ferry. I covered more distance than I have in America and stretched my courage and self-assurance in the process. Upon completion of these two weeks, I was a full sponge of lessons that I didn't even know existed and knowledge that I understood on the deepest level possible because I was in the game of life and not just reading about it. I also learned that travel is work but that it is a kind of work that can only be experienced by those with a certain degree of privilege. I talked to many alternative healers in Japan on how to maintain ones well-being.

One of the themes that I came across in the field of healing is the practice of learning to stay calm and grounded in all situations. All of the healers believed this skill to be the or one of the most important in leading a healthy and happy life. I not only learned about health, healing, nature, and spirituality in Japan, but because it was field research, I was able to apply the knowledge that I was receiving right then and there.

I am proud to stay that I kept a level head throughout my travels. When I dropped my laptop and had to travel 6 hours on the train in one day to get it fixed, I made it a fun adventure rather than a burden. When I would look up at the tangled subway map with hopelessness and begin to panic, I made a point to calm myself so that I could think up helpful solutions. Because of the learning and application, for two weeks I partook in both study and a lab. Because traveling takes time, money and support, I came to the understanding that I am privileged to have the opportunities that I did. For my own motivated spirit and for all the chapters and people in life that lead me to these experiences, I am extremely grateful.

Watch the four-minute documentary on Olivia’s journey, and read more about her experience in Japan on her blog.


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