Kurume City: Ishibashi Cultural Center, Urayama Park and JR Nishiguchi Park

Urayama Park

(March 28, 2015) Kurume began its sister city relationship with Modesto, California in 1992. For over two decades, the two cities have engaged in numerous and annual exchanges, strengthening the U.S.-Japan relationship. Each summer, 10 students from Kurume travel to Modesto and 10 students from Modesto travel to Kurume. In 2012, Modesto was gifted a cherry blossom tree from the Japanese government as a token of appreciation for its efforts to enhance relations. The same year, a delegation of 10 people including the Mayor of Modesto, Modesto Sister Cities President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer and a music group visited Kurume to celebrate the 20th anniversary of being Kurume's sister city. To commemorate the strong relationship, 20 Friendship Blossoms dogwood trees were planted in Kurume in March 2015.


Shizuoka City


Okinawa Prefectural Park, Nago Central Park, & Park Resource Research Center