Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving embodies our gratitude to you for your support.Thanks to your donations, 71 undergraduate students from colleges and universities across the United States are studying and getting incredible experiences in Japan this fall. Since 1999, you have enabled 1,340 students to study abroad in Japan. The Fall 2013 Bridging Scholars hail from a variety of schools – public and private, large universities and small colleges in 25 states – attending 38 different colleges throughout Japan. As Amanda, a Bridging Scholar studying international trade at Nagoya University, said, “As an inner-city student who has dreamed of going to Japan since middle school, this comes as a blessing and a great relief.” Thank you very much for growing global leaders like Amanda. This people-to-people exchange strengthens our bilateral relationship and nurtures a globally competitive talent pipeline.

Wishing you abundance this Thanksgiving. 


Luncheon with Kurt Tong, DCM, US Embassy Japan


Thank you American Express